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Fu Ganghua Leads Delegation to Universities and Scientific Research Institutes in Brazil and Argentina
June 20, 2024Click:

From June 6 to 14, Fu Ganghua, Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee of Central South University (CSU), led a delegation to Brazil and Argentina. They visited the University of São Paulo (USP), the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Vale S.A., and the Institute for Research on Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology in Argentina. Notably, a government delegation of the Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province and an expert delegation of Hunan Province were also on the visit. This trip aimed to foster substantial exchanges and cooperation between CSU and high-level international universities, research institutes, and top 500 corporations worldwide. During this journey, partnerships between CSU and international research facilities were also expected to be deepened in an all-round manner by giving play to the University's advantageous disciplines.

At USP, Fu Ganghua had a thorough conversation with Raul Gonzalez Lima, Vice President of USP, and Jose Roberto Cardoso, Director of the Polytechnic School and the Research Institute for International Innovation of USP. In this conversation, he emphasized CSU's advantageous disciplines and its strengths in talent training, scientific research, and international exchanges. The USP side admired the achievements made by CSU's advantageous disciplines, and expected to carry out cooperation with CSU in scientific research on non-ferrous metal, medical science, and rail transit.

At Vale's Ferrous Technology Center (CTF) in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, the CSU delegation probed into the details of cooperation in the next five years and the specific schedule of the Low Carbon and Hydrogen Metallurgy Forum to be held recently, with experts, such as Rogerio Carneiro, Director of Ferrous Products Development and Burden Solutions and Vale’s CTF, and Kevin Song, Vale’s China Technical Director.

At the headquarters of Vale in Rio de Janeiro, Li Zhijian, Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province, led the government delegation of the Department, the CSU delegation and the expert delegation of Hunan Province to exchange with Luciana Brum, Vale’s External Affairs Manager, and Humberto Oliveira, Vale's Head of Technical Marketing. They had negotiated on further cooperation, focusing on how to build the Vale-CSU Joint Laboratory for Low Carbon and Hydrogen Metallurgy as a national innovation platform.

During the exchange, Fu Ganghua highly appreciated the achievements made in previous cooperation between Vale and CSU, and expressed the willingness to step up and expand cooperation based on the friendly collaboration. He said CSU will be a strong supporter for building the joint laboratory as a national innovation platform.

Professor Zhu Deqing, Director of the Vale-CSU Joint Laboratory for Low Carbon and Hydrogen Metallurgy, reviewed the friendly cooperation between CSU and Vale over the past 18 years. He also extended his gratitude to Vale for its contributions to building the joint laboratory. Professor Zhu Deqing expected to keep close cooperation with Vale, improve the joint laboratory, expand its influence, and contribute more to the low carbon development of Vale and Chinese iron and steel companies.

Li Zhijian, Secretary of Party Leadership Group of the Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province, spoke highly of Vale’s commitment to going green and decarbonizing development, and fully recognized the launch and operation of the joint laboratory. He hoped that Vale and CSU accelerate the construction and development of the laboratory, so that the facility can better lead the advancement of low carbon and green technologies for the iron and steel industry, and upgrade to an R&D headquarters in China in a suitable time. Li Zhijian stated that the Department will fully support the construction and development of the laboratory, actively strive for support from the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, incorporate the laboratory into key China-CELAC projects, key projects for the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Brazil, and the national “Belt and Road” joint laboratories, and win over more policy resources for the laboratory.

At the Institute for Research on Genetic Engineering and Molecular Biology in Argentina, the CSU delegation visited its laboratory, and had a profound conversation with Ana Belen Elgobyen, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Argentina, and members of the laboratory. Both sides expressed a strong willingness to collaborate in scientific research and student exchanges, and reached an agreement to cooperate.

During the visit in Argentina, the CSU delegation also attended a promotion conference for Latin America on building Changsha into a global research and development center. During the event, they exchanged with universities and scientific research institutes in South America.

Leaders and experts from the Management Office of Scientific Research, the Office of Budget and Finance, the Department of Strategic Development & Discipline Construction, the School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, and the Second Xiangya Hospital were also on the visit. 

(First Reviewer: Dai Yu'ou, Second Reviewer: Wang Xuan, Third Reviewer: Li Yin)

Source: School of International Education, Author: Xie Ying

Original article link: https://news.csu.edu.cn/info/1006/158905.htm  

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