President Li Jiancheng led a delegation to Switzerland and UK from May 20 to 27, visiting the WTO headquarters, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, University of Dundee, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and Imperial College London in the UK, and visiting alumni and students of CSU in the UK.
During his visit to the WHO headquarters, Li Jiancheng met with Jérôme Salomon, Assistant Director-General for Universal Health Coverage, Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases, and Dévora Kestel, Director of Mental Health and Substance Use. On the basis of the existing WHO Collaborating Center at the Institute of Mental Health, the Second Xiangya Hospital, the two sides carried out in-depth exchanges on cooperation initiatives such as expanding short-term exchange programs, jointly organizing international conferences, and dispatching teachers and students of CSU to the WHO for internships, and formed cooperation intentions.

At the University of Dundee (UoD), Li Jiancheng met with President Iain Gillespie to exchange views on deepening cooperation in talent cultivation, scientific research and innovation, and visited the School of Medicine and laboratories to explore further scientific research cooperation in the field of medicine. During the visit, the two sides signed the Memorandum of Understanding between CSU and UoD to expand the graduate level cooperation in disciplines such as life sciences, basic medicine, nursing and business on the basis of the existing programs of International College Dundee.
At the University of Oxford (UoO), Li Jiancheng met with Lady Sue Black, Dean of St. John’s College, and David Isaac, Dean of Worcester College, exchanged views with them on teacher and student exchange and cooperation, explored potential cooperation opportunities between UoO and CSU, and reached a preliminary agreement on carrying out the student exchange program. During the visit, the delegation also participated in the communication session with overseas young scholars. Li Jiancheng introduced the achievements made by CSU in disciplinary construction and scientific research in recent years to more than 50 young scholars attending the session, and sincerely invited outstanding overseas youth scholars to join CSU. The Director of the Personnel Department explained CSU’s key talent policy.

At the University of Cambridge (UoC), Li Jiancheng exchanged views with Thomas Santarius, professor at UoC and Fellow of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, and had an in-depth discussion with him on medical education and clinical translational research.
During his visit to the UK, Li Jiancheng attended the preparatory meeting for the establishment of the CSU Alumni Association in the UK and had discussions with the alumni. He pointed out that a natural and permanent bond exists between alumni and the university. Alumni are valuable assets of the university, and the university is the spiritual home of alumni. He expressed hopes that alumni will continue to support the development of the university, and the university will continue to improve its comprehensive strength and social service level, further unite more alumni, work on alumni-related matters, and better serve alumni. The alumni reported on their recent development and expressed that they are ready to make greater contributions to the development of the university.

During the visit, Li Jiancheng and his delegation also had discussions with renowned experts and scholars such as Micheal Grätzel, professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and International Fellow of the Swiss Chemical Society, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, and Lin Jianguo, professor at the Imperial College London and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, exchanged views with them on scientific research cooperation in the fields of engineering and medicine, and visited exchange students from CSU who are studying at UoO, UoC and other universities.
( First review: Tang Xiaojun. Second review: Wang Xuan. Third review: Wang Jianxiang )
Source: Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges Author: Wen Ning
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