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Confucius Institute at Congolese Diplomatic Academy holds promotion event for Traditional Chinese Medicine culture
May 9, 2023Click:

On March 21st, the Confucius Institute at Congolese Diplomatic Academy held a lecture on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in collaboration with the 21st batch of Chinese medical teams supporting the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Chen Li Clinic in Kinshasa. Over 70 people attended the event, including FUNDI TANGANIKA ELOI, the foreign dean of the Confucius Institute, Ma Xinqiang, the Chinese dean, AVOKI KATAKO AMY, the council member of the Confucius Institute, MUSA MUTUMBI KYELU, the president of the Association of Traditional Doctors of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, as well as representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Congolese Diplomatic Academy, the Chinese community, and teachers and students of the Confucius Institute.


EDIT TV, a television station based in Kinshasa, covered and reported on the event with live interviews. According to the schedule, this lecture was the first of a series of lectures on TCM promotion by the Confucius Institute, which will also include specialized series on acupuncture, massage therapy, and physical therapy.


(First Reviewer: Yan Mengjing, Second Reviewer: Tang Xiaojun, Third Reviewer: Li Yin)

Source: Confucius Institute at Congolese Diplomatic Academy   Author: ——

Source link: https://news.csu.edu.cn/info/1006/155335.htm


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