Schools Powder Metallurgy Research Institute Faculty Content

Powder Metallurgy Research Institute


Name: XiaoPeng

Address: State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy

Central South University, 410083

Changsha, P. R. China

E-mail: xiaopeng@csu.edu.cn

Tel: (Office) +86-731-88830131

Phone: +86-133-3731-1638



Ph.D.  03/1998 – 12/2000 Northwestern Polytechnical University

Major: Material Science and Engineering

Advisor: Prof. Li-tong Zhang (Academician)

APPOINTMENTS AND POSITIONS                                  

State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy   Central South University

Assistant dean                                 08/2014 – present

State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy   Central South University

Director of Carbon/Carbon research institute        11/2004 – 07/2014

State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy   Central South University

Ph.D. supervisor                                09/2004 – present

State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy   Central South University

Professor                                     09/2002 – present

HONORS AND AWARDS                                          

First-grade Award for Technological Invention of Hunan Province 2013

Awarded by the Government of Hunan Province       (Ranked First)

Distinguished Young Scholar of Hunan Province                2006

Awarded by the Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province

Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University         2005

Awarded by the Ministry of Education of China

The 2th grade of Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education 2003

Awarded by the Ministry of Education of China      (Ranked Seventh)


Design, optimization and application of High-performance carbon- based composites, which including:

1.        Design, manufacture and application of high-performance carbon/ ceramic friction materials.

2.        Antioxidation and ablation resistance of carbon- based composites.

3.        Carrying, thermal-protection and wave-absorbing integrated carbon- based composites.

RESEARCH PROJECT                                          

The total amount of national and departmental (provincial) projects from 2006-2015 for Peng Xiao is about 18, and the total amount of grants in nearly five years is more than thirty millions Yuan.

1.        National Natural Science Foundation of China(No. 51072231)

2.        National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Program) (No. 2011CB605804, 2006CB600904)

3.        National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program) (No. 2006AA03Z560)

4.        Program for International S&T Cooperation Projects of China (No. 2010DFB70180)

5.        Chinese Defense Advance Research Program of Science and Technology, China (No. 625010301, 412020201-06, JPPT-115-4-1563)

6.        Science and Technology Major Project of the Department of Science and Technology of Hunan Province(No. 2009FJ1011-3)

JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS                                      

Peng Xiao published 58 papers as the first author or corresponding author in journals including Carbon and Applied Physics Letters, and there were 43 SCI-indexed papers and be cited more than 200 times. Peng Xiao was authorized 18 Chinese science and technology invention patents.

1.        Xiao Peng (*)Lu Xue-fengLiu YequnHe LianlongEffect of in situ grown carbon nanotubes on the structure and mechanical properties of unidirectional carbon/carbon compositesMaterials Science and Engineering A20115287-8):3056-3061

2.        Xiao Peng(*)Li ZhuanXiong XiangMicrostructure and tribological properties of 3D needle-punched C/C-SiC brake compositesSolid State Sciences2010124):617-623

3.        Hong WenXiao Peng(*)Li ZhuanLuo HengMicrowave radial dielectric properties of carbon fiber bundle: Modeling, validation and applicationCarbon201479538-543

4.        Luo HengXiao Peng(*)Hong WenDielectric behavior of laminate-structure Cf/Si3N4 composites in X-bandApplied Physics Letters201410517):172903-1-172903-3

5.        Zhou WeiXiao Peng(*)Li YangPreparation and study on microwave absorbing materials of boron nitride coated pyrolytic carbon particlesApplied Surface Science201225822):8455-8459

6.        Luo HengXiao Peng(*)Huang LongHong WenDielectric properties of Cf-Si3N4 sandwich composites prepared by gelcastingCeramics International2014406):8253-8259

7.        Lu Xue-fengXiao Peng(*)Short time oxidation behavior and residual mechanical properties of C/C composites modified by in situ grown carbon nanofibers Ceramics International2014407):10705-10709

8.        Xiao PengChen Jie(*)Xu Xian-fengLu Xue-fengEffect of nanofibers at surface of carbon fibers on microstructure of carbon/carbon composites during chemical vapor infiltrationJournal of Central South University2014217):2590-2595

9.        Zhou WeiXiao Peng(*)Li YangLuo HengHong WenMicrowave Absorbing Properties of Carbon Fibers Modified with BN/SiC Composite CoatingsJournal of Inorganic Materials20142910):1093-1098

10.    Xiao WeilingXiao Peng(*)Luo HengZhou,WeiLi YangPreparation and dielectric properties of Si3N4/SiCw composite ceramic Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics2014259):4088-4094
