On September 8-21, Professor Mao Junxiang, the executive director of CSU Human Rights Studies Center, was invited as a member of expert panel of China Society for Human Rights Studies to attend the 42nd United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting at Geneva, the headquarters of the United Nations, where he spoke out the “CUS Voice” in the terms of international human rights mechanism reform and the practice and idea of human rights safeguard in new China for 70 years on the diplomatic stage of international human rights.
On September 9, China Society for Human Rights Studies held a bilateral talk themed “Human Rights Development in New China for 70 Years” in Palace of Nations, Geneva. During the talk, Mao Junxiang introduced China’s progress in legal system building and its facilitation to human rights safeguard in the past 70 years since the establishment of New China. On September 16, China Society for Human Rights Studies held another bilateral talk on “Extremism and Human Rights Protection in Xinjiang” in Palace of Nations, Geneva, where Mao Junxiang introduced the background, measures and achievement of the fight against terrorism and extremism in Xinjiang. Domestic authoritative media such as People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency,Guangming Daily, China Central Television and China News have published the speech of Mao Junxiang on the two bilateral talks many times.

In the morning of September 11, the 42nd United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting held general debate regarding to the human rights mechanisms of United Nations and works of United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. In the debate, Mao Junxiang appealed for improving the representativeness of developing countries in international human rights mechanism; with his delegation, he also met the representatives and offices from Australia, Sweden, Belgium, Ireland, Senegal and Tajikistan as well as the chairman reporter of the working group of Human Rights Council in enforced disappearance issues. Besides, Mao Junxiang introduced the fight against terrorism and extremism in Xinjiang, the safeguard police of religion freedom, and women’s equality and protection to the foreign side and answered their concerned question.
Guangming Daily published the article by Xinhua News Agency on the exclusive interview with three participating experts including Mao Junxiang -Exclusive Interview:Human Rights Business in China Has Formed a Development Road Adapting to China in Past 70 Years – Interview Chinese Human Rights Experts Who have attended the Meeting of United Nations Human Rights Councilon September 22. China News published the written interview -Experts Indicate That Chinese Human Rights Have Made Great Achievement and Become Constructive Force in International Human Rights Governanceon September, 19.
Source: School of Law