The 5thBaidu & Xi’an Jiaotong University Big Data Competition and the 1stIKCEST “The Belt and Road” International Big Data Competition jointly hosted by UNESCO, Baidu and Xi’an Jiaotong University, etc. ended in Xi’an recently. Totally 2,312 teams from 16 countries participated in the competition. Under the guidance of Professor Guo Kehua and Associate Professor Zhang Shigeng, the team consisting of grade 2018 postgraduates including Luo Tao, Li Yinggang, Li Nan and Wang Yifei from CSU School of Computer Science and Engineering and Chen Xuanqun from South China University of Technology won the first prize.

The topic of this competition is “Functional classification of urban regions based on satellite remote sensing image and users’ behavior”, which covers bimodal data of satellite remote sensing images and users’ access records in 70 urban regions. This competition required every team to design classification model to classify the regional functions. Through researching the regional remote sensing images and distribution characteristics of users and applying the principles of in-depth learning, machine learning and statistics, the team members from CSU designed multiple models from various angles, developed mature scheme and achieved good results. The scheme developed by the team has great business application and academic values and may provide reference for enterprises and governments. Mr. Raj Reddy, the chairman of the competition’s advisory committee, presented the prize to the winners and took the group photo with them in the award ceremony.
Source: School of Computer Science and Engineering