On June 20, Clarivate Analytics released the latest Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of Year 2018. According to the report, the two journals from Central South University and collected by the SCI i.e., Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China and Journal of Central South University, had steadily rising impact factors. JCR impact factor of Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China appeared in Zone Q1 for the first time.
Theimpact factor of Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of Chinarose to 2.338, rising to the 16thfrom the 22ndof last year in the ranking among 76 journals inMetallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering, appearing in the Zone Q1 for the first time. The total cites exceeded 10,000 times, reaching 10,082 times, ranking the 12thamong SCI journals of the same subject.
The impact factor of Journal of Central South University rose to0.973,rising to the 49thfrom the 50thin the ranking among journals of the same subject, remaining in the ZoneQ3.The total cites increased to 3467 times, ranking the 22nd.

In recent years,T ransactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China has made steady progress, maintained its publication scale, expanded its high-quality sources of contribution, increased its dissemination efforts, and achieved remarkable results. Its academic influence has being increasing steadily. In December 2018, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China established its fifth Editorial Board. The new board consists of 102 members, including 34 academicians, with 31 new members of young and middle-aged scholars and experts in China and abroad who are active in the scientific research field of this journal. Jia Mingxing, Chairman of the Nonferrous Metals Society of China, was elected Director of the Editorial Board. Academician Huang Boyun will serve as Deputy Director and Chief Editor of the Editorial Board. Academician Qiu Guanzhou will serve as Deputy Director and Deputy Chief Editor of the Editorial Board. With the support of the “Project for Enhancing International Impact of China STM Journals”, this journal also rewarded outstanding paper authors and excellent reviewers.
TheJournal Citation Reports ®(JCR) released by Clarivate Analytics(formerly Intellectual Property and Science Business of Thomson Reuters) every June provides multi-dimensional journal evaluation indicators for the world's most authoritative and influential academic journals, including the famous Journal Impact Factor. The relevant analysis uses citation data, impact indicators, and data on citation of millions of journals in theWeb of Science, a citation index database covering natural sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Clarivate Analytics classifies SCIjournals into zones by subject (totally 178 subjects as shown by the Journal Ranking). It ranks all journals under a subject in a descending order of impact factors of the previous year, then divide them into 4 equal zones (25% each), i.e., Zones Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Journals in Q1 are usually considered as periodicals that report more important achievements in this subject.
Source: Publishing House