Nitivadee Manitkul, the Consul General of Thailand in Kunming, led a 7-member delegation to visit Central South University (CSU) on June 27. Chen Chunyang, the Vice President of Central South University, Yang Yan, the Director of Management Committee of Railway Campus and Gao Guangjun, Dean of School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Central South University met the guest in the 3D Meeting Room of High Speed Train Research Center in Railway Campus.

Professor Li Yingli from Key Laboratory of Traffic Safety on Track, Ministry of Education introduced the basic information about CSU and School of Traffic & Transportation Engineering in terms of infrastructures and subject characteristics, especially the progress and research achievements in rail traffic construction.
Mr. Chen Chunyang highlighted the characteristic subjects and current development in Central South University. He said that the exchanges between CSU and Thailand were very frequent: many undergraduates and postgraduates were studying here; meanwhile, CSU had signed agreements with Chiang Mai University and King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, etc., which helps wide cooperation in the aspect of railway between the two sides. It is hoped to further enhance the friendly contact with Thailand universities and railway departments in the future.
Nitivadee indicated that China and Thailand were engaged in the planning and construction of a high-speed train line, and would cover more cooperation in the future, therefore, it was the best opportunity for an exchange visit. She said they enjoyed the visit as taking maglev train and learning how high-speed train worked. She added that since the Phase I construction of Thailand high-speed train line would be extended to Vientiane and the Kunming-Vientiane railway was in planning, a high-speed railway network may be expected in the future.
After the symposia, Nitivadee and other delegation members visited the High Speed Train Research Center, Maker Space for Research on Vehicle Safety and Popular Science Base andScience Museum of Advanced Rail Traffic Technologies, etc.
Source: CPC Publicity Department (News Center)