Topic: Nano Probes for Bio Applications
Lecturer: Yoon-Sik Lee, Seoul National University
Time: May 31st, 2017 Wed. 8:30-9:30 AM
Address: 211 Institute of Super Microstructure and Ultrafast Process in Advanced Materials, School of Physics and Electronics, South Campus
SERS (Surface-enhanced Raman scattering) Nano Probe: Raman spectroscopy can be broadened in biomedical analysis field by the recent development of SERS technology. We have developed various multifunctional SERS tagging nano probes; SERS dots, F-SERS dots, M-SERS dots, and NIR SERS dots. They have been successfully utilized in multiplex screening and identifying biological molecules in vivo and in vitro system. The SERS dots have been used for detecting disease such as cancer by combining SERS labeling, nano spectroscopy, bio-MEMS, and biomedical technologies. The multiplex analysis system can be also applied to develop therapeutic antibodies as well. The current blood tests platforms can be replaced by the SERS dot based multiplex analysis system, resulting in reducing samples consumption and enhancing the detection efficiency; GO-peptide based Sensor: Graphene oxide (GO) is an emerging luminescent nanomaterial with photo-stability and unique photoluminescence (PL) property appearing in the visible and near-infrared region. Go-peptide based sensing platform have attracted great attentions duet to the biocompatibility and specificity to biomolecules. Thus, several types of GO PL-based optical biosensors have been developed for rapid and sensitive detection of proteases. The GO-peptide sensor was able to detect specific proteases, chymotrypsin and matrix metalloproteinase-2(MMP-2), by the “turn-on” response of quenched GO fluorescence after proteolytic cleavage. Furthermore, the GO-peptide sensor successfully monitored MMP-2 secreted from living cells with high sensitivity.
Professor Yoon-Sik Lee has received B.S. degree from Seoul National University (1974), and Ph.D from Rutger University in organice chemistry (1981). He worked as Post Doc. In the Department of Chemistry at the University of Chicago (1981-82). He is now a professor at the School of Chemical & Biological Engineering (1993 - current) and adjunct professor in the Department of Nano Science and Technology, Seoul National University (2009-current). He was a visiting professor at Dept of Chemistry, University of Arizona (1991), Protein Research Institute, Osaka University (2002), and the Max Mousseron Institute of Biomelecules (IBMM), University of Montpellier 1 (2011). He has served as the president of the Korean Society of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, the president of Korean Peptide and Protein Society, and the president of the Korean Union of Chemical Science and Technology Societies.
Prof. Lee’s work at SNU has been mainly focused on solid-phase organic chemistry, especially, in developing polymer supported catalysts for organic synthesis and polymer supports for solid-phase peptide synthesis. He has also been involved in developing nanoparticle sensors, especially in SERS nano tags, for peptide library synthesis and multiplex detection of biomolecules. Recently, 2D peptide film nanostructures were fabricated using self-assembly of tyrosine containing peptides and the result was published Nature Communications. So far, Prof. Lee has published more than 200 papers (about 300 citations) along with 90 patents.