Schools Architecture and Art Faculty Content

Architecture and Art

C:\Users\hy\Desktop\图片4.jpg图片4Zeng, Xin Professor PhD MA.

PhD in Multimedia in School of Computing and IT in University of Wolverhampton. MA in Creative technology in School of Art and Design in University of Salford. Research areas include information visualization in art and design, digital art and entertainment, multimedia and virtual environment. As a leading researcher, Zeng has completed several major projects, such as the project sponsored by the national natural science foundation etc. Teaching courses include digital art and technology, virtual environment design, computer game design etc.


1.   Zeng Xin, Tan Qianqi2013Study on the Animation Scene Design Based on Character Behaviors. Journal of ZhuangShi 20136pp96-97.

2.  Zeng Xin, Chen Wenjin. (2012) The Application of Visual Metaphor in Animation Scene Design. Journal of ZhuangShi 201211pp74-75.

3.  Zeng Xin , Tan ML and Liu JJ (2012) Scene Visualization Based on Semantic-Visual Association. IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Service System (CSSS 2012).(EI)

4. Zeng Xin. (2011) Visual semantic approach for virtual scene generation. ACM SIGGRAPH 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, VRCAI11, pp553-556, 2011 (EI).

5. Zeng Xin, Tan Mling, Chen WJing. (2011) Extraction of Visual Material and Spatial Information from Text Description for Scene Generation. Advances in Computer Science, Intelligent System and Environment. 2011(104) Springer. pp735-741.(EI)

6. Zeng XinTan Mling,2010The Development of Text to Scene Tool for Aiding Children’s Spatial Knowledge Understanding and Languge Learning. 2010 International Conference on Internet Technology and Applications.(EI)

Email: zengxin@csu.edu.cn Tel: 0731-88836718
