Professor Shi Lei personal profile:
Lei Shi; Male, Professor, Doctoral Advisor, class 1 Registered Architect.
Vice-president of the School of Architecture and Art in Central South University;
Member of Assessment Branch in the Architectural Society of China;
Vice-chairman of the Institute of Architects of Hunan Province;
Member of the Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Hunan Province;
Member of Design Artists Association of Hunan Province;
Assessment Expert of City Planning Committee of Changsha;
Bachelor of Architecture of Hunan University;
Master of Architecture of Hunan University;
Doctor of Engineering of Central South University;
Research direction:Architectural design、Urban design、Landscape Design
Courses offered:
The Design of Massive Public Architecture;
The Design Practice of Architects;
Architecture Design and its Basic Principles;
Community Plan and Residential Design;
The articles
1.Li Zhe, Shi Lei, Yu Shengwu, Research on Optimized Design of Internal Spatial Organizations on Theories of Space Syntax,《International Conference on Engineering Mechanics,Civil and Transportation Engineering》,。
2.Li Zhe, Shi Lei, Yu Shengwu, Research on Suitability Ecological Updating Technology System of Traditional Wooden Residence,《5th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering 》
3. XieMingjing, Shi Lei, Liu Runjiao, Zhang Ying. The optimization space design on natural ventilation in Hunan rural houses based on CFD simulation.Advances in intelligent and soft computing (1867-5662), 2012.02: 189-195
4. Shi Lei, XieMingjing, Shi Nan, Liu Runjiao, Optimal simulation analysis of Day lighting design in new Guangzhou railway station. Advances in intelligent and soft computing(1867-5662), 2012.02: 197-206
5.Shi Lei, Li Zhe, Yu Shengwu, Evaluation and Research of Site Selection Based on Performance of Urban Spatial Structures,《International Conference on Engineering Mechanics,Civil and Transportation Engineering》
6.Li Zhe, Shi Lei, Research on Improvement of Thermal Insulation and Anti-radiation Performances of Traditional Wooden Vernacular Dwellings of Tujia Minority in West Hunan,《The Fourth International Conference on advanced design and manufacturing engineering academic》
Scientific research:
1. Directing the research project of "Integrated Design Method and Application Research of Sustainable Building Based on the Protection Development of Regional Culture", which is sponsored by the National Social Science Foundation of China;
Participating in two research projects of National Science Foundation of China;
2. Directing the research project of "Assessment Indicator System Research of Sustainable Development in Small Towns of Western Hunan Province", which is sponsored by the Development and Reform Commission of Hunan province;
Participating in five research projects of Hunan province;
3. Directing the research project of "Standardization Design of Public Facility Buildings along the Highways in Hunan Province", which is sponsored by the Transport Department of Hunan Province;
4. Having managed more than 30 construction projects, among which one of them won the first prize of provincial excellent design and three other won the second prize.
Phone number:13607433338